

Four years after graduating as a surgical Odontologist Dr. Guillermo Velázquez Gracía decided to moved to México City to study an especialty in "Maxillofacial Oral Surgery". He graduated in 2007 from the "Hospital Juarez Mexico" which is Accreditated by the best university in Mexico, "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (U.N.A.M.)".
Doctor Velázquez has continued up dating his medical expertise by attending Conferences, workshops and, Medical Congresses in Mexico and abroad. His Work has been Recognized by the VII International Seminar of Implantology and Orthognatic Surgery held in Mexico City.
He is a member of the Association of Odontologist of the North of Tamaulipas. Some of his works have been published in Cientific magazines of the Maxillofacial specialty in Mexico and Spain as well.
Currently he has his medical office located in the border city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico in the Centro Medico Angelus, Just a few blocks away from the International Bridge of Reynosa / Hidalgo, Texas.
He is a caring Doctor concern with the wellbeign of patients from both sides of the border.



The office of doctor Guillermo Velazquez Gracia is located in the CENTRO MEDICO ANGELUS in the neighborhood of "Del Prado" (one of the safest in Reynosa), it is a modern bulding wich is just a few blocks away from the International Bridge that connects the city of Reynosa / Hidalgo, Texas. The Medical Center has parking lot available, Private Security 24 hours a day and his 100% handicapped accesibility.


Pedro J. Mendez 1827 Office/Consultorio# 309
Colonia Del Prado
Reynosa, Tamaulipas.


Office / Consultorio 011-52-(899)922-3696
Nextel 247-6697
Radio 62*13*28537



Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons care for patients with problem wisdom teeth, facial pain, and misaligned jaws. They treat accident victims suffering facial injuries, place dental implants, care for patients with oral cancer, tumors and cysts of the jaws, and perform facial cosmetic surgery.
By using an advanced training in anesthesia allows the doctor to provide quality care with maximum patient comfort and safety in the office setting.

Removal of Diseased and Impacted Teeth, and Anesthesia
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons remove impacted, damaged, and non-restorable teeth. He provides sophisticated, safe, and effective anesthesia services in his office including intravenous (IV) sedation and general anesthesia.

Dental Implants
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, in close collaboration with restorative dentists, helps plan and then place implants used to replace missing teeth. He can also reconstruct bone in places needing bone for implant placement and modify gingival (gum) tissue surrounding implants when necessary to make teeth placed on implants look even more natural.

Facial Trauma
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon cares for facial injuries by repairing routine and complex facial skin lacerations (cuts), setting fractured jaw and facial bones, reconnecting severed nerves and ducts, and treating other injuries. These procedures include care of oral tissues, the jaws, cheek and nasal bones, the forehead, and eye sockets.

Pathologic Conditions
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon manages patients with benign and malignant cysts and tumors of the oral and facial regions. Severe infections of the oral cavity, salivary glands, jaws, and neck are also treated.

Facial Pain Including Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon possess skills in the diagnosis and treatment of facial pain disorders including those due to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems.

Correction of Dentofacial (Bite) Deformities and Birth Defects
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, usually in conjunction with an orthodontist, surgically reconstruct and realigns the upper and lower jaws into proper dental and facial relationships to provide improved biting function and facial appearance. They also surgically correct birth defects of the face and skull including cleft lip and palate.



Esta especialidad está muy relacionada con la cirugía plástica, neurocirugía y otorrinolaringología, con las que trabaja estrechamente, solapándose en algunos aspectos, así como con la especialidades odontológicas de ortodoncia y prostodoncia.

El cirujano maxilofacial atiende problemas de traumatología facial, labio leporino y paladar hendido, oncología oral, craneofacial y cervical, base del cráneo, cirugía reconstructiva .patología de glándulas salivales (tumores benignos y malignos, cálculos, etc), deformidades craneofaciales (desde leves deformidades dentofaciales hasta grandes síndromes malformativos), patología infecciosa cervicofacial (flemones y abscesos faciales y cervicales), implantología oral (colocación y rehabilitación de implantes dentales osteintegrados), terceros molares (muelas del juicio) o caninos incluídos, quistes bucomaxilofaciales, patología de la mucosa oral y de la articulación temporomandibular (disfunción craneomandibular).

El cirujano maxilofacial es un profesional altamente calificado.


* Tumores benignos y malignos de cara y cuello.
* Fracturas y heridas de la cara.
* Malformaciones congénitas: labio leporino, fisura palatina o niños con alteración en la forma del cráneo.
* Deformidades dentofaciales.
* Cirugía estética y reconstructiva de la cara.
* Cirugía oral (implantes, dientes incluidos)
* Patología de la articulación temporomandibular.
* Enfermedades de las glándulas salivales.
* Tratamiento de las dismorfosis dentofaciales


Cuatro años despues de titularse como Cirujano Odontologo el Dr. Guillermo Velázquez Gracia decidio mudarse a la ciudad de México para estudiar la especialización en Cirugia Oral Maxilofacial. En el año 2007 obtuvo dicha especialización del ¨Hospital Juarez de México¨, con la correspondiente acreditación por parte de la Universidad Autonoma Nacional de México (UNAM).
Desde entonces el Dr. Velázquez ha continuado actualizando sus conocimientos en la materia concurriendo a Conferencias,Seminarios, Talleres y Congresos en México y en el extranjero. Su trabajo a sido reconocido en el VII Seminario Internacional de Implantología y Cirugía Ortognatica celebrado en la ciudad de México.
Es ademas miembro del Colegio de Odontologos del Norte de Tamaulipas.
Algunos de sus trabajos han sido publicados en revistas medicas de México y España que tratan la especialidad Maxilofacial en particular.
Actualmente ubica su consultorio en la ciudad fronteriza de Reynosa, Tamaulipas en el Centro Medico Angelus, que es un nuevo y moderno edificio localizado a un par de cuadras del puente Internacional que conecta a la ciudad de Reynosa con Hidalgo, Texas.
El Doctor Velázquez es un doctor avocado al bienestar de pacientes de ambos lados de la frontera.